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Best Generator Locks to Keep Your Generator Secure

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Theft prevention is paramount for anything costing hundreds or thousands of dollars, thus we must take extra precautions when securing our purchases. Even portable generators can't escape this rule. You probably won't be able to steal anything else from your house that is as valuable and as easy to get away with.

Guard your home and generator

This piece of advice is rather broad, but it could prove to be the most important. If your home is more difficult to break into than your neighbor's, the thief will move on to an easier target.

Many other places online and in the business world have dedicated themselves to writing about home security, and whole books have been written on the topic. However, I will provide the following suggestions.

In today's world, being the only person in your neighborhood without a home security system is practically like inviting burglars into your home.

  1. Open or unguarded fences are dangerous.
  2. Do not leave anything of value in plain sight in your yard.
  3. Having cameras, even fake ones, close by should assist.
  4. A sign announcing the presence of a doghouse would alert would-be burglars to the presence of your pet even if he refuses to sleep there!

Lock up

How can we protect it in the simplest, most direct way possible? Unquestionably a lock! Though don't let it fool you. Any thief worth his salt carries a pair of vicious cutters that, in all honesty, can slice through the vast majority of locks on the market with relative ease.

However, it is a deterrent. Thieves are looking for easy wins, so try to make it a hassle to steal from you.

The thicker and more sturdy a lock looks, the more likely a thief will move on and look for something else. This goes the same for locking your doors and windows. Be smart. 

Small inverter generators

You can have a problem with small inverter generators. The plastic lock handle on your generator is far too flimsy to secure the unit. Regardless of the lock, a thief might just break the handle of the generator to bypass the lock.

More precautions should be taken to prevent this from happening. Security brackets are designed for this purpose; they are usually made for a single brand or model. Making your own from discarded metal is not difficult if you have a lot of imagination.

Standby generators

If you are using your generator as a backup power supply for your home, there is no valid reason for not installing a generator enclosure. It protects your device from the elements, hides it from prying eyes, and can be easily secured with an additional lock or alarm. Overall, it's pretty neat.

Sound the alarm

Locking a generator and keeping it out of sight are great precautions to take, but they may not be enough. After all, a lock does little more than increase the difficulty of stealing. This will not deter the thief or give you any warning that the item has been taken. Installing an alarm to the lock or generator is an extra level of security.

Generator safety while camping

Theft of outdoor generators is a common tactic used by criminals. They're quite expensive, portable, and have a high resale value. In addition, they are typically less protected because you rarely keep them inside your home or campsite.

The use of portable generators has greatly improved the comfort of peoples camping trips. A generator is required to power your RV's appliances and converter charger. Unfortunately, many dishonest people will try to make a profit off of the portability and ease of use that we value so highly in portable generators.

Thefts of generators occur more frequently than you might think. Hundreds of campers have reported having their generators taken from their camping area. Keeping your RV's generator locked up inside and out of the way is a must if you want to avoid any problems while camping.

You don't have to forego all of life's luxuries in order to have a good time when camping. You may be able to use electronics, lights, and appliances if you invest in a portable generator.

However, like I said used portable generators have a considerable market, therefore they are a regular target in RV parks and campgrounds. However, there are a number of things you can do to safeguard your generator while you're away.

Follow the safety measures and precautions listed below to avoid being a victim of theft and to deter would-be thieves:

Locks and chains

One of the simplest precautions you can take is to lock your portable generator with a chain. You may lock the generator to your car, a nearby tree, or your storage rack using a strong, cut-resistant chain. A padlock that can't be easily cut with a bolt cutter should be used to fasten the chain.

Always remember that chains are great if you need to leave your generator for only a brief time. A hand saw can usually cut through most chains if given enough time. However, they are an excellent deterrent, especially if the thieves are after something less difficult to take.


Another strategy for deterring burglars is to use anti-cut alarms in tandem with specially designed cables. An alarm will sound if someone tries to cut one of these cables.

But these cables will only work if you're close by or if there are neighbors close to where your RV is parked. In the same vein as the shackles, these prevent thieves from making off with generators.

Safeguard Bracket

To prevent the theft of your generator, you can install chains, wires, and security brackets. You slip these over the generators' plastic handles to create a sturdy channel for the cords and chains.

Fastening these over a portable generator is simple and they come with the necessary hardware. Verify that the safety bracket's dimensions are a perfect match for your generator before buying it.

Think like a thief

Make it hard for a thief to see or access your generator in addition to using the thief-deterrent suggested above. You can prevent generators from being stolen by putting them in inconvenient places.

Most individuals who park their RVs on a grade do so so that they may store their portable generators underneath the vehicle, provided that there is sufficient space at one end. They will still have to use chains, but not being able to view the power plant could prove useful.

If you have a large or medium-sized dog and the weather is beautiful, they can keep an eye on your generator while you're gone. Even if they don't immediately attack, most criminals won't take any chances. 

Many potential purchasers of recreational vehicles have designs that feature a secure location to keep the generator. If you have to leave the RV, turn off the generator and make sure the compartment is locked.


Thieves will not risk stealing in well-lit places. Put in permanent lighting all around the RV and the generator to dissuade potential intruders. Spotlight cameras, found in many modern security shops, greatly reduce danger.


Although no approach is completely secure, you can make it more difficult for thieves to take your generator. But the GPS tracker will make it easy for the authorities to find the generator and return it to you if it is stolen.

Nature can help

You can also protect your generator from the elements by concealing it with a layer of dry leaves. When people walk on the leaves, they make a crackling sound. Since no one approaches the generator without stomping on the leaves and making a racket, they may be clearly identified.

Decrease portability

Get the wheels off your generator when it's not in use. Thieves will have a tougher time dragging or pushing the generator away from the place if the wheels are removed. After you have removed the wheels, put them somewhere secure.


The use of a silent generator allows you to conceal your device and not draw attention to it. No one will suspect a generator is being used until they break in.

Recover stolen generators

What if someone were to steal your portable generator? Is there no way to retrieve it? In all honesty, probably. However, there are methods to increase the likelihood of recovering a lost or stolen item.

Label it

Establishing ownership of your generator won't hurt, but it may not be worth the effort in the long run. Mark it in a distinctive way that can't be removed. 

Report it

If you want law police to be able to identify your stolen goods, make sure the serial number is recorded or the appropriate paperwork is kept in its proper location.

Entering the serial number into internet databases of stolen products can increase your chances of recovery.

Best locks for a Generator

The best generator cable lock can be cut in seconds by a professional burglar, but it will take much longer for someone who isn't familiar with the tools to steal the generator. So, they are useful. Here are some options for you:

Master Lock 4440D

The versatility and low cost of this Master Lock make them a fantastic option. For your convenience, this model is offered in four lengths, ranging from 18 feet to 10 feet, to meet the requirements of your specific generator. Because of its compact design, the Master Lock is easy to transport and store when not in use.

ABN Cable Lock

With a diameter of just 5/16 inches, the ABN Cable Lock is surprisingly robust. If you need something no longer than 6 inches, it is quite hard to saw through this because of its size.

Additionally, you get two keys just in case one is lost. Also, there are three layers of security built into the design of this lock, so you can be assured that it will never give way.

Master Lock ML5290D

This Master Lock model is one of the best little cable locks you can buy as a backup security measure. This lock has everything you might desire in a transportable lock, including an ergonomic grip and an extra 10 feet of cable that won't tangle or break.

Moreover, it is not susceptible to chipping, rusting, or corrosion thanks to the stainless steel construction. As an added bonus, this particular model is protected from temperatures as low as -40 degrees Fahrenheit and as high as 90 degrees by its inbuilt weather resistance.

Strongway Cable Lock

For those on a tight budget, this Strongway cable lock is an excellent choice. Its 12-foot length makes it a good fit for generators with extensive, uncovered dimensions. Also, the vinyl covering on the lock protects it from dings and scratches. It also comes with a second set of keys in case the original set becomes lost or broken.

Master Lock 8481D

The cable may be adjusted to fit through any hole and around any post or tree, as well as those in generator boxes, camera mounts, and other cable-mounted equipment.

The steel braid used in its construction gives the locking cable exceptional durability and protects it from scratches. The cable can fit through tight locations that other cables cannot, and the included strap allows for easy compact storage.

Vulcan Security Kit

VULCAN Security Chain and Lock Kit - Premium Case-Hardened - 3/8 Inch x 9 Foot (+/-2 Inches) - Chain Cannot Be Cut with Bolt Cutters or Hand Tools

One for the Star Trek lovers. Among the contents of the Vulcan Security Kit are a padlock with an armor plating, three keys, a high security chain, and a Cordura wear pad. The sum of its pieces is a security system that can withstand attacks from even the most advanced bolt cutters.

Because of its durability, opening the lock could take a non-expert several hours. Its unusual form and construction render it immune to attack by common burglary equipment. This safety equipment helps ensure that your RV's portable generator operates without a hitch.


Though we could continue discussing this for hours, I believe we have already covered the most important points.

Nothing is 100% theft proof but theft is highly improbable with good safeguards in place, and you may find yourself rethinking how you approach property and generator security as a result.

About Tom Bell

Hey, I’m Tom, the owner of Generator Reviews! I built this website to help you get the very most out of your generator and select the correct one for your personal circumstances. This site contains reviews of virtually every generator, detailed buying guides, as well as maintenance advice to help you keep yours in tip-top shape!


Generator.Reviews is an independent review business. I am not affiliated with any manufacturers and do not accept paid reviews. When you buy through my links, I may earn a commission which helps me to maintain this website and keep the reviews coming your way!

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